Bitter Clown

I have decided the clear way forward from now on is to take the route of Bitterness. I don't know what this means. Or what clown nose it requires (I'm not clown trained yet which is why you should all send me money). So I'm going to take an experiment and see what happens if I live on a diet of bitterness.
I'm thinking sucking on lemons, drinking black coffee strong and without sugar, dark chocolate, pints of bitter ale...what else is there? Well if we can come up with no more this is my only food for the next week. This should help lead to bitterness. Which will lead to anger and therefore recovery. It's foil proof.
Anyway, you're ginger. Yes, I may also be ginger but I have breasts (small though they may be) and that makes me infinately more attractive than you. So there. You ginger. You. And your football team's shit...grrrr. So's mine. And and and...oh shit. Alright, give me a week. One black coffee clearly isn't enough.
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