Conversations with Van Gogh - One More

VG: You haven’t talked to me about the last painting.
HS: I know.
VG: You have got closer to finding me in that picture. Except for the circular motion.
HS: It’s in the Cypress tree we found the madness of your painting style apparently.
HS: I know I stayed too logical in exploring you. It’s the only way I know how
HS: We get another go next week. This time with just one painting.
VG: Which one have you chosen?
HS: The Raising of Lazurus. We like the Biblical theme.
HS: I was very drawn to The Sower myself. It makes me want to cry just looking at it. It is so desolate and so sad despite it’s rich colours. The darkness and the light. The seeds with the promise of growth. The barren Autumn numbness of the tree. It is my depression. This is it. I wonder if you knew that was what you were painting.
HS: Are you there?
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