Blah blah blah

I have nothing to say. Not a word. And yet there are twelve words and counting. So clearly, that is a lie. Although a series of words written in a sentence does not denote something to say. So I stand by my original comment. I have nothing to say. However, I started this blog and so really it is my duty to find something to say.
Yesterday, it rained. Right now there is a grey cloud looming overhead. Tourists are always annoying. Sophia Grace and Rosie are thoroughly entertaining. An Actress should be fit. An actress should really apply for Acting jobs. A Writer should find something to say. The Death penalty is barbaric. A mouse cannot be relied upon to have your back. Paris is pretty. Pretty dull. Dogs make great pets. Tracksuits are never acceptable. Liverpool FC are the new West Ham. My cousin Paul is in fact not hiding a bald patch under his hat, he just likes hats. A funeral can take place on a Steam train. Organising a Hen do is stressful. One day I will own a pair of Russell and Bromley Brogues. It is just a question of when. If in fact, one of you readers works for said shoe company and wants to extend your discount to me, feel free. I will own an Iphone one day. Hopefully before June when the design is rumoured to go back to the curved back. I like square edges. The Key necklace in my favourite shop is in my affordable range as we currently speak. I should be saving but I want to spend. I have three weddings to go to this year. BBC Iplayer has very few programs of interest to me this week. I always say my favourite colour is red because of Liverpool but in fact I have no opinion, it really depends on my mood. The TV at work is broken which means I don't have streaming news in front of me to make me depressed. I owe Blockbuster £9. I am bored.
There. I found something to say. It's your job, as the reader to interpret it and find the hidden meaning. Good luck.
...I'll give you a clue, the secret of the origin of life is hidden amongst this post.
Well this actually just had me in stitches. Sophia grace and Rosie are the best.