How I am to become a Clown...Studying at a Parisian Drama School

So this blog is beginning at the start of week three in Paris. I'm an actress. I'm in Paris, hopefully for two years studying at the Ecole Internationale de Theatre de Jacques Lecoq. Or 'The Cock School' as my friends prefer to refer to it. Jacques Lecoq is respected as a teacher everywhere but France. How very French.
I'm doing this for a number of reasons:
1) It's a very easy way to keep everyone up to date without sending hundreds of different emails
2) It's a good way to practice my writing
3) It will be a nice record for me
4) It may encourage/discourage anyone planning on embarking on a similar course
5) It may raise my profile as I still do not have my fees to pay term three of my first year and any of the second year if I get accepted to continue
6) It will be a nice inside view of Paris
7) I just watched Julie and Julia (although doing a blog about something has been in my head for a while)
This is an introductory post and should therefore be witty and gripping and make you want more...alas, it's 22.38 here and since starting school that for me is tantamount to 5am.
However, let me introduce you briefly to the few things I have learnt so far. Parisians are weird. 'Prend le temp dans la space' (excuse spelling) means 'Take the time in the space'. Francois Lecoq (Jacques son and one of my teachers) has the most perfectly formed bottom...I shall try to verify with a picture at a later date. Paris has some incredible vintage shops with very reasonable price tags. The French do indeed wear stripes. The Metro train always comes from your left hand side. Like any big city, the real bits of Paris are hidden down side streets. It is possible to get a 4 euro pint if you step down said side opposed to the 10 euro ones you get in the main areas. The French are not that stylish, it is only a select few. It is just as cold here as England (hope led be to believe it could possibly be noticeably warmer as it was in summer). When it rains it really really really rains. French is a hard language to learn. And finally, I don't know anything about anything.
Sunday night...the novel does the bad glass of wine I am drinking.
Bon Nuit
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