In Which she wants to give it all up....

So why the dramatics? Not sure. Money. Time constraints. Being an Au Pair is at once a God send and a hindrance. I get no time off in the week. Between college and collecting baby I have chores to do. Every other week the baby and another baby (who gets to sleep in my room during her afternoon nap as opposed to Babies room) are in our flat. I cannot access my bedroom, I cannot properly do my chores as babies are in the way. After Mum gets back I am responsible for running babies bath, emptying it, cleaning it, sorting the room for bed and washing up the kitchen. Babies bath is not done till gone 9pm. Dinner is not eaten till gone 10pm. In the meantime I get small snatches of time where I cannot really focus properly and no rest time at all. Don't get me wrong. The baby herself is lovely. The family are great. Weekends I feel like either I need to get out the flat so as not to be in the way or rude for not sitting in with them and having dinner. I can't win. And I can't imagine where I'll fit the much needed second job in other than the weekends which are quite vital for recovery. And when I do get the second job it is becoming clearer by the day that it will be needed to top up my monthly money and will be so small it will be useless towards both third term and the rest of second term. Can't see myself being able to finish without a sponsor. But tomorrow I'll probably have a new idea about how to make money and all will be forgotten.
Today as I walked into the Metro in a bad mood after searching for 30 minutes for an address nearby and getting annoyed at the unhelpful clerk when I found the address, I was again trying to work out why men stand at the top of the stairs and speak to some passengers. Crowds and crowds of them at certain Metro's. At first I assumed they were pick pockets but I've watched them closely and I have seen no signs. Plus no one but me seems to clutch there bag tightly as they pass them. And they seem to be around poor tubes and not tourist ones. What can this all mean? And how do they do it day in and day out whilst still wearing evidently new clothes? Perhaps tomorrow I shall attempt to join them...weekend shifts only. I think they may be the answer to all my money problems.
The teachers at Lecoq all have quirks and signs, it's fairly easy to read what they think about classwork before they explain. Francois hides his face when he likes something to mask his repressed smile. He covers his eyes when he doesn't like it. Jason will start with 'C'est Possible mais...' But Paoula's is best 'Okay. Bien' means good work and then she will tell you what was good and bad. Or you get 'Oohhhhkaaay' Which means, oh my fucking god that was awful. You retard. Or if you're really bad she stops you with 'ai ai ai ai ai'
I think this blog would get an 'Oohhhhkaaay'
And tomorrow I aim for an 'Ai ai ai ai ai'..........
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