Counting down the days

And there's homesickness coming down the final stretch closely followed by emotional tears and irrational thoughts. Paris is holding up the back whilst Francois arse crashes at the last hurdle. And London is pushing through the middle. Big Ben has knocked out Eiffel tower. And it looks like a win for homesickness...but red wine and cheese are giving a final push. And Champs elysee is pushing past Regent Street over the Christmas hurdle and I don't believe it Positive thinking has taken it.
Alright. In real life Positive thinking and Homesickness are level. But this is not real life so who cares. The visitors of the last two weeks bought home with them and sickness tagged along uninvited. How rude. So lovely to see everyone, most of all the ginger one but as expected they have left me feeling a little flat. Alongside 'flat' though is always college which is getting better by the day. In an ideal world it would either be in London or even better I'd be rich enough to go home anytime I wanted and the whole thing would be perfect. But we don't live in an ideal world. If we did I'd have at least seen Johnny Depp once since being in France.
Instead we live in a world where...[insert comment in manor of positive thinking] All I came up with was 'Where Johnny Depp exists.' But I'm tired and unimaginative. I just spent a week being Earth, wind, water and fire so I'm already thinking bigger than you. I'm not just positive, I'm the whole world. And maybe a little mental...
The Christmas count begins...tick tock. I feel like a child on Christmas Eve only this time I don't care about anything but people. Normally at Christmas I get over excited about presents. But this year I couldn't care less. I just want to see everyone, relax and drink lots of lovely red wine and £3 pints. Maybe I'm growing up? Who would have thunk it?
Thunk it!!! i see paris is making you down with the kool kids ;-)
ReplyDeleteJohnny Depp does Exist!!!