Where art thou Charlie?

It sets my week up badly when Charlie Brooker does not write his G2 piece on a Monday. What on earth should I think about without his blog to inform me? I was rather hoping for some comic sarcastic take on the Amanda Knox case which I have become a little over interested in. In fact on Monday I wrote a whole piece about it but scrapped it after deciding it was both rubbish and totally irrelevant to my blog. And now, without Charlie, I have taken to scanning the Guardian for inspiration for anything. During my desperate scanning yesterday I came across a laughably bad piece of writing by a human rights activist about an execution in Ohio. I abhor capital punishment so I was coming at the argument from her side of the fence but it was the most repetitive, emotionally charged, irrational reasoning I have ever seen in print. Awful. Followed by some extremely depressing comments. Appeared to me that anyone American writing a comment was not only pro capital punishment but relished it. And anyone European was anti American. A theme I am seeing a lot in the 'Comment is free' section of the Guardian. It seems the 'special' relationship with the UK public and the US public is worse than George Bush's relationship with words. However, I fear I am about to join the American bashing that has disturbed me in the last month with this little nugget but I think it is comedy gold. This was one comment against the article which summed up pretty much everything I could wish to say about the sort of people I think are pro capital punishment:
'I agree that prisoners, once tried, convicted, and had a very, very, short appeal process should not be "warehoused" and cost the non criminal element of society tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain and support. We, the free people of the U.S, should ante up the 49 cents that a bullet costs, stand them up against a wall and SHOOT THEM!!
Or we could do the "civilized" thing like you in the U.K. and Austrailia do. Spend money to slap their hands, turn them loose and say don't you do that anymore! Lets deport the terrorists back to their home countries, to a hero's welcome, so the can hace a second chance --TO DO IT AGAIN!!! Can you say Lockerbie bomber? I know you can! You talk about civilization. Your press is as lame as your backbone!! Crime-- you disarm your citizens with draconian gun control laws. What happened? Your violent crime rate went up how many hundred percent? Now you are trying to outlaw knives that have a point! Whats next screwdrivers? God forbid cricket bats? Same with Australia. They followed your lead--SAME RESULTS!!
You've written to these "poor souls" for 10 years? Get a real life and write to someone who can make a difference-not the convict.
Remember your own history. One of the most violent and oppressive colonial societies ever! Maybe you should keep your opinions and politics on your side of the pond. But...
That's right. I forgot. If our uncivilized backward nation had done that you (U.K.) and France would be speaking GERMAN!!!'
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I have no further comment. Except read 'Comment is free' when you're stuck for something to do.
This week I shall be mostly procrastinating...and deviating.
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