Half faced and half arsed

So the blog has lacked a bit of purpose...and posts. Now, dear reader(s) let me tell you a little something about why. I work seven days a week. Seven MORNINGS a week, more to the point. School goes on into the evening. My brain is no longer allowed time to think. And so what you are looking at as you see these letters on this page is in fact a giant void of nothing. As I write this I cannot actually comprehend the words that are passing from my head to my fingers, into the keyboard and by the magic of technical people who I will never understand, into the computer and in front of your face. Whoever you are. Magic.
Or at least it would be magic if any of it had a point. But I never promised a point. And we should be reminded here that I am an actress. There is no point to my life. Except to force it onto you people who never asked me to. I know. You're very welcome.
So, at school I am currently working with half a face. We are doing comedia del arte. I had to make a mask. I made a drunk woman so as not to have to use my imagination when playing her.
I work with a Jewish family who are really fun. When I met the mum and she mentioned her Dad was German I got so excited about having a German connection (my paternal Grandfather was German) that I asked if he had fought in the war. To which she replied 'He tends not to talk about what happened in the war'. And I replied, 'Yeah my Granddad was the same, you're the first person I have met with a German connection. My Granddad volunteered at 16 and fought in Russia.' It took her frowning at me a little bemused before I realised I was talking to the daughter of a German Jew. I still got the job...
These fragmented thoughts are the best I can give you at present.
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