Gullivers Travels

Being in the middle of the Christmas travel chaos more desperate than I've ever been before to get home I felt like I should have been doing a live moment by moment Blog. Complete with roving reporter stuff. "Margaret here has been waiting three days in the cold to get a train. Margaret, describe the situation for you" "Oh its been dreadful. We are out of cash, I haven't eaten since yesterday and little Jimmy peed his pants last night he was so scared sleeping rough. And no one is telling us anything." Please add an American accent when doing Margaret's speech. No I'm not a racist but "the public" always sounds funnier with a drawl and no one does a drawl better than an American. Go on, try and drawl with another accent. Like German. See.
But in the end I decided that apart from the brief drama of indecision whether to book a coach ticket instead of risk the train and the odd swear word uttered at the cost of that decision I had really very little drama to comment on. And I got home a day earlier. Bonus. I rewarded myself with an entire day in the pub on a mostly empty stomach. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Eurostar.
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