Sunny days

Because I hate it when I get all morose on the blog, even if it's truthful and I believe a necessary part of the blog, we must counter the last blog with the actual facts.

Don't you hate when actors and writers and even worse Comedians get all miserable on you? These people have a job that is designed to offer every single one of us escapism from life. Escapism is a much needed tool in keeping sane. And you want to do a job that means not only do you provide art for me to escape with, you get to escape for a living. So shut the fuck up you miserable bastard. I don't care that it's a hard job to get into, you chose to do it. You choose to keep doing it because you don't want the day to day drudgery of everyone else's life. So shut it. Now.

There. That's better. Consider myself bitch slapped. By myself. I read A.L. Kennedy's blog on the Guardian the other day moaning about her book launch and I wanted to throw my laptop at her head. I don't care about your life being hard, everyone's is. Entertain me. I am tired and it is hard to chose poverty over success, which get's dangled at me from a business perspective all the time, it turns out I am very employable as a normal person but I do it because I wouldn't want that life. So let's stitch my miserable mouth up till it has something funny to say.

Normal service shall be resumed.

Must start listening to something other than Strings and Piano's...


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