'AINE!!! Tut tut tut!' Shouted across the class as I let out a HUGE scream whilst two of my classmates attempt to flip me over turning my hand stand into a forward flip or is it a backward flip? No I'm not being bullied they were supposed to do it. And I was supposed to focus my eyes on the turn and land with a graceful bend of the knees and arms stretched. I wasn't supposed to close my eyes in terror, scream to release my nervous tension and land with knees locked. Oops. I also wasn't supposed to drop my fellow student Charles but was in fact supposed to catch him and turn him over into said Forward/backward flip. Double oops. But he's a boy. And he's heavy. What are you thinking getting two girls to lift him. Apparently we can lift anyone. I don't want to be responsible for someones safety so I think instead I'll just drop him. Far easier than lifting.
I have also been mostly screaming at French people on the Metro this week. I hate the idiotic way they refuse to move back away from the doors to let you into the carriage. So whilst running to get on a Metro before the doors shut and after observing that no one was moving I did the only thing left to a rude English girl. I barged them out the way. 'Tut' said French man. 'Fucking French.' Said rude English girl. Can't understand why I haven't made more friends here...
This had me in stitches....what else is a girl to do?